Government Is Responsible For And In Control Of Public Housing


Affordable Housing Does NOT Require Government Support Or Involvement

Public Housing Is NOT A Four Letter Word Banned By The FCC

During the Portland Plan community meeting at the St. Johns community center Mayor Sam Adams defined the city of Portland as a Public Housing free zone. Throughout this event based upon and awash in statistical data neither the words, Public Housing, nor any questions nor statistical data related to Public Housing appeared on the projected presentation nor from the mouth of mayor Adams. When asked why he was denying the existence of Public Housing and misleading his audience by deliberately misusing the term "affordable housing" he responded, "I will continue to use affordable housing." 

This is a dishonest deliberate obfuscation of the truth. A lie.

Adams treated this dubious exercise in citizen participation as a game show with ad hoc group participants vying for Sam's prizes which, if they were to exist, would not be delivered for 15 to 25 years.

The audience was asked to electronically vote on questions regarding such meaningful issues, albeit beyond government control, such as :

Would you prefer A - Grocery store within walking distance OR B - An affordable grocery store within walking distance?

[Adams failed to mention that a government promoted grocery store within walking distance of most residents of New Columbia went out of business. A large government Public Housing project concentrating households without sufficient disposable income CANNOT sustain local businesses. Adams did not say if he intended to create the Bureau of Groceries in his next budget.]

The audience was NOT asked to electronically vote on questions regarding such meaningful issues which are under government control, such as:

Would you prefer A - To have the government locate MORE Public Housing in your neighborhood OR B - To have the government locate Less Public Housing in your neighborhood?

Sam Adams does NOT say Public Housing does not exist in Portland "because of the following reasons..." Adams says Public Housing does not exist in Portland, "because I said so." This is how many adults treat very young children who have not yet developed the capacity to respond to reason as a motivating force. It is an insult to taxpayers and voters when pronounced by mayor Sam Adams.

Mayor Adams' use of Affordable Housing where Public Housing is the more accurate and truthful term has the effect of preventing anyone from being accountable for the annual expenditure of $200,000,000 on Public Housing in Multnomah county and a discredited and abhorrent policy of UNLIMITED neighborhood concentration of public housing. It is nearly impossible for taxpayers and voters to discuss much less challenge this spending and policy when mayor Adams denies that they exit.

Mayor Adams' refusal to acknowledge the existence of Public Housing and the publication of Public Housing Statistical Data as part of the statistical information presented to citizens for evaluation and comment regarding their choices for future policy objectives is not merely disingenuous it is cynical and fraudulent. The people of Portland, and especially those neighborhoods that are demonstrably OVERLOADED with the reality of Public Housing in North Portland, deserve better.

As a candidate for public office I will be speaking out against Sam Adams' outrageous and dangerous precedent setting behavior for the next several months. I will also be reminding voters in North Portland that our current representative, Tina Kotek, holds the same distorted views as Sam Adams on this subject.

I have a long documented history of demanding accountability for how taxpayer dollars are spent, especially on Public Housing.  My support for a public policy of Equitable Distribution of Public Housing is well known and, if elected, I will introduce legislation that will require public documents to use the term "Public Housing" when appropriate and set a cap of 15% on the percentage of Public Housing Clients allowed in any one neighborhood.

I encourage and welcome support from readers, taxpayers and citizens anywhere that support my policy positions on Public Housing.

Richard Ellmyer

Candidate for North Portland House Seat in the May 2010 Democratic Primary.